
How to Increase CO2 Levels in Your Aquarium

Although we mainly supply CO2 refills for making sparkling water at home, we often get asked about CO2 in aquariums

Understanding the role of CO2 in your aquarium is crucial for maintaining a healthy environment for both your aquatic plants and fish. This gas, often overlooked, plays a significant part in the overall tank health.

Having said that, the gas you use to refill your soda maker isn’t the same as the gas in your aquarium - not quite.
Can Diabetics Drink Flavoured Sparkling Water?
Hydration plays a pivotal role in the overall health of individuals, especially for those living with diabetes. Maintaining an adequate level of hydration is crucial as it aids in the regulation of blood sugar levels. Dehydration can lead to elevated blood sugar levels, making it more challenging for people with diabetes to manage their condition effectively. But can you drink flavoured water as a diabetic? 
Top Sparkling Waters in the UK: Refreshing Choices & DIY Tips
Looking for the perfect sparkling water to quench your thirst? The UK boasts a variety of high-quality options, each with its own unique flavour profile and source. Whether you prefer a classic, mineral-rich taste or a flavoured twist, there's a sparkling water out there to suit your palate.