
How to Make Lemon Cordial: A Step-by-Step Guide
Lemon Cordial, a delightful concoction of freshly squeezed lemons, sparkling water, and sugar, is a throwback to sunny BBQs, summer picnics, and those cherished childhood memories. It's a refreshing summer treat that's perfect for a hot day.
How to Choose the Best Sparkling Water Maker

With a soda maker, you can create your own sparkling water, control the carbonation level, and even add your favourite flavours, like lime or elderflowerWe'll share the secret to finding the best sparkling water maker on the market. Whether you're a seasoned soda maker user or a newbie looking to dip your toes into the world of home carbonation, this guide is for you.

The Best Non-Alcoholic Summer Drinks: Refreshing Recipes and Ideas
From classic iced tea and lemonade to innovative non-alcoholic cocktails and bubble teas, there's something  in this guide for everyone. Experiment with fresh fruit syrups to add flavor and color to your drinks, like strawberry syrup in iced tea or rhubarb syrup in lemonade. Embrace the creativity and versatility of these beverages, making every sip of your summer refreshing and enjoyable
How Long Does a Quooker CO2 Cylinder Last? Usage & Tips Explained

Welcome to our deep dive into the world of the Quooker Cube, the innovative kitchen water heater that's revolutionising how we drink water. Ever wondered how you can get boiling, sparkling, and chilled water from one cylinder?

Or perhaps you're curious about how this device can help you conserve water and reduce your carbon footprint? Let's find out more. 

The Best Quooker CO2 Alternatives

A Quooker is a brand of innovative kitchen tap systems that provide instant boiling water, alongside hot and cold water, from a single tap. These systems are designed to be highly efficient and convenient, offering a variety of functionalities to enhance kitchen use. Let’s take a look at the best Quooker alternatives on the market.
