The Top Zero Calorie Drinks

The Top Zero Calorie Drinks

If you're on a quest for weight loss or simply aiming to maintain a healthier lifestyle, you've landed in the right place. We'll be diving into the world of sparkling water, herbal teas, and even low calorie alcoholic beverages.

Ever wondered how drinks can have zero calories?

Or perhaps you're curious about the health implications of these beverages?

We've got you covered. From understanding the calorie content to exploring drinks besides water, we'll guide you through it all.

This guide is sure to quench your thirst for knowledge (and maybe even your actual thirst!).

Understanding Zero Calorie Drinks

Zero calorie drinks are a fascinating concept. They're beverages that contain no calories, yet still manage to taste sweet. How is this possible? The secret lies in the use of zero calorie sweeteners.

These sweeteners are often artificial, but there are also natural zero calorie sweeteners available. They trick our taste buds into thinking we're consuming sugar, without the calorie content.

Plain sparkling water itself is zero calorie.

The key is in the "plain" part. Sparkling water gets its fizz from dissolved carbon dioxide gas. This gas and the water itself don't contain any calories.

However, there are flavored sparkling waters and tonic water that can contain added sugars or sweeteners, which would contribute calories. Always check the nutrition label if you're unsure about a particular brand of sparkling water - or make your own at home

So, next time you reach for a zero calorie drink, remember it's the clever use of sweeteners that makes it possible.

Are zero calorie drinks healthy?

Zero calorie drinks have become a popular choice for those looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. But are they really healthy? The answer isn't as straightforward as you might think.

While these drinks have a low calorie content, they often contain artificial sweeteners. These zero calorie sweeteners can sometimes lead to health issues if consumed in large quantities.

On the other hand, natural zero calorie drinks like sparkling water can be a healthier alternative. They provide hydration without the added calories or artificial sweeteners.

Top Zero Calorie Drinks

In our quest for health and wellness, we often overlook the importance of what we drink besides water. From the calming allure of herbal teas to the invigorating kick of coffee, and even the occasional indulgence in low-calorie alcoholic beverages, there's a world of drinks to explore.

Sparkling water

Made by simply adding carbon dioxide gas to water, sparkling water boasts a delightful fizz without any added sugars or artificial sweeteners. This makes it a fantastic alternative to sugary sodas and juices, allowing you to enjoy a bubbly drink without the guilt. Plus, sparkling water can help with hydration, especially for those who find plain water a bit boring.

Companies like CO2 YOU offer a convenient and eco-friendly solution. Their refill subscription service delivers fresh CO2 canisters compatible with most sparkling water maker brands directly to your door. With CO2 YOU, you can enjoy endless fizzy water without the hassle of lugging heavy refills or generating plastic waste. 

Herbal teas as a soft drink alternative

  • Herbal teas: A fantastic drink besides water, herbal teas are a great source of hydration. They come in a variety of flavours, from chamomile to peppermint, offering a refreshing alternative to sugary soft drinks.
  • Green tea: Known for its health and wellness benefits, green tea is a popular choice for those looking to lose weight. It's low in calories and can be enjoyed hot or cold.

While these teas are a great alternative to water, they should not replace your daily water intake. Enjoy them as part of a balanced diet.

Coffee and its variants

Coffee is a popular choice for many when it comes to drinks besides water. Here are a few variants:

  • Black Coffee: A classic choice, black coffee is a zero-calorie drink, provided you skip the sugar and creamer. It's a great source of caffeine and can aid in weight loss.
  • Espresso: This concentrated form of coffee packs a punch in terms of caffeine content. It's low in calories, especially when consumed without any additives.

Of course, too much caffeine can lead to health issues, so enjoy your coffee responsibly.

Alcoholic beverages with low calories

If you're looking for a drink besides water that won't sabotage your weight loss efforts, consider these low-calorie alcoholic beverages.

  • Dry Wine: Both red and white varieties can be low in calories, with around 3-5 grams of carbs per serving.
  • Light Beer: While not all beers are keto-friendly, some light beers can fit into a low-carb diet.
  • Hard Liquor: Spirits like vodka, gin, and whiskey contain zero carbs but remember to avoid sugary mixers.

These options allow you to enjoy a drink without worrying about your health and wellness goals. However, moderation is key as alcohol can slow down weight loss.

How to Find Zero Calorie Drinks

Finding zero calorie drinks in the market can be a bit of a challenge. It's not as simple as picking up a bottle and seeing 'zero calories' on the label.

Many drinks claim to be zero calorie, but they may contain small amounts of calories that can add up if you consume them regularly. So, it's crucial to understand what you're looking for.

Some drinks use artificial sweeteners to achieve a zero calorie count. These can be a good option if you're trying to lose weight, but keep in mind that not all artificial sweeteners are created equal.

Understanding the labels: What to look for?

When you're on a mission to find zero calorie drinks, understanding the labels is crucial. It's not just about spotting the 'zero calorie' tag.

Look for the ingredients list. If you see artificial sweeteners, it's a good sign. These sweeteners, like aspartame or sucralose, provide the sweet taste without the calories.

However, keep in mind that some drinks may contain a small amount of calories, yet still be labelled as 'zero calorie'. 

So, when you're on your health and wellness journey, remember to read the labels carefully. It's a simple step, but it can make a big difference in your weight loss efforts.

Healthy Drinks with Calories

While zero-calorie drinks have their benefits, it's essential not to overlook the value of healthy drinks with calories. These beverages, when chosen wisely, can contribute to a balanced diet and provide essential nutrients:

Vegetable juices: A healthy choice

Vegetable juices are a fantastic choice when it comes to drinks with calories. They're packed with essential nutrients and have a low calorie content, making them ideal for weight loss.

The beauty of vegetable juices is that they can be made from a variety of veggies. You can opt for a refreshing cucumber juice or a nutrient-dense spinach juice.

The key is to go for natural, real fruit and vegetable juices. Avoid those with added sugars to keep the calorie count low.

Smoothies: A nutritious option

Smoothies are a fantastic option for those seeking drinks with calories that also pack a nutritional punch. They're typically made from natural fruits, which means they're rich in essential vitamins and minerals.

However, it's important to be mindful of the calorie content. Some smoothie recipes can be high in calories, especially if they contain added sugars or high-fat ingredients.

For a healthier choice, opt for smoothies made with real fruit juice, such as lemon and lime juice. These not only add a refreshing tang but also keep the calorie count low.

Incorporating smoothies into your diet can contribute to weight loss and overall health and wellness. Just remember to keep an eye on the ingredients!

Milk alternatives: A low calorie choice

Milk alternatives are a fantastic choice for those looking to maintain a healthy diet while keeping an eye on their calorie intake. Almond milk, coconut milk, and flaxseed milk are just a few examples of plant-based milks that are low in calories and keto-friendly.

These milk alternatives are not only great for drinking but also work well in various culinary uses. They can be poured over cereals or used in smoothie recipes, adding a creamy texture without the high calorie content.

However, it's important to note that only the unsweetened versions of these milks are low in calories. Many plant-based milks come in sweetened and flavoured versions, which can significantly increase their calorie content.

So, when you're shopping for milk alternatives, make sure to check the labels and opt for the unsweetened versions. This way, you can enjoy the health and wellness benefits of these drinks without worrying about your weight loss goals.

Zero Calorie Drinks

Zero calorie drinks, such as sparkling water, herbal tea, and others offer a refreshing alternative to traditional beverages. They provide a way to stay hydrated without adding to your daily calorie content. It's crucial to understand the labels and ensure that these drinks do not contain artificial sweeteners, which can be harmful to health and wellness.

With a home water maker and a subscription to CO2 YOU, you can keep the guilt-free drinks flowing all year long. We’ll deliver 2 or 4 gas cartridges to your home - and collect your empty canisters - for a stress-free fizzy fix when you need it most. Join our refill programme today!